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Hitfilm pro icon

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"I've noticed that HitFilm 2 will become unresponsive whenever I try to use a large file, in this case a 3.30GB m2ts. m2ts from my sony camera, the format is AVC / H-264 in 1920 x 1080 25 fps." "When I started using hitfilm, the on screen rendering was very jumpy when some effect were applied to the composit shot. If I make a composite and work with it, it's not too bad, but in the editor, it's unusable." One click on the timeline and it may be 30 seconds before I can do anything again. "My canon camera records mts files, when bring them into the editor in hitfilm, slowa to a crawl. And there are some frequently asked problems quoted as below: However, still many users are facing problems when working with AVCHD MTS/M2TS/M2T files in HitFilm, even the latest HitFilm 3 Pro.

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This software does support a wide variety of file types and AVCHD, MTS, M2T, M2TS is included.

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It has wonderful tools for creating particles, 3D models and dazzling eye-candy that an audience will eat up in the cinema. HitFilm (now at version 3 Pro) is really good for the video editor who is also a special effects specialist.

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